MEHKO's are Set to Explode This Year!
California Counties
CA Population in Millions
How many meals per week
Potential $ per Year

Chef Mikey Knows MEHKO's!
This book is a Chef's guide and reference to starting, and running your MEHKO/MHKO-Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation. The guide also provides detailed information on the costs associated with starting this venture. Over the last 47 years Home Chef expert Michael J. Garahan has worked in homes across the country garnering rates of $100 per hour. Actual contract copies are included in this book. The book can also be a great gift to a friend you know who always is saying they want to be in their own business. This book will guide them to running that business.
Petition at to Bring MEHKO's to More Counties and States!
Let's work together to bring MEHKO's to your location... sign the petition today!
UPDATE: SUCCESS! - January 2020 - Solano, Santa Barbara and Lake Counties have all resolved in January to begin considering MEHKO permits!
Washington State has a bill before the legislature to begin considering MEHKO's.
Sign the petition today to keep bringing MEHKO's to more Counties and States!
Sign the petition today to keep bringing MEHKO's to more Counties and States!
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find quick answers to some of the common questions asked about MEHKO's! Remember running a MEHKO is like running a small business, many elements need to be in place to be successful... check out my book for the elements necessary before you start your own MEHKO (Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations).

01. What is a MEHKO?
California bill (assembly bill no. 626) signed into law on September 18, 2018 establishes a new legal entity called microenterprise home kitchen operation or MEHKO as a new type of retail food facility. This allows individuals can operate something similar to a "restaurant" in their private residence. Most notably however unlike a traditional restaurant, there are specific restrictions and guidelines. You may also work with an internet food service intermediary (IFSI) to advertise and sell your food.
02. Does Your Kitchen Qualify?
Los Angles County has provided a online questionierre to find out. Take the Food Safety Quiz and find out if your kitchen makes the grade to be a MEHKO, click here...
03. Which counties in Califorina currently accept MEHKO Applications?
At this time only Riverside County, CA is accepting application for MEHKO’s.
04. How to Obtain a Permit?
The new law gives a city or county the full discretion to authorize the MEHKOs in their jurisdiction. To obtain a permit you will need to contact the local environmental health department. General Permit Requirements: 1.) Submit a permit application to the local environmental health agency. 2.) Obtain an inspection of the microenterprise home kitchen operation facilities. 3.) Complete an approved food manager certification, 4.) Sales must occur directly between the MEHKO and the customer. 5.) You must prepare, cook and serve on the same day. 6.) You can sell no more than 30 meals per day, or a total of 60 meals per week. 7.) Operate within established gross annual sales limits of $50,000. 8.) For the most updated information, always check with the appropriate environmental health agency for the most current and complete list of requirements..
Read On Any Device
A Chef's Guide to Starting MEHKO-Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (Riverside County, CA. MEHKO/MHKO Book 1) is available from Amazon as both an Ebook and Paperback
TestimonialsFor Chef Michael
Over the last 47 years Home Chef expert Michael J. Garahan has worked in homes across the country see what some of his past clients are saying about his excellent work.
Blog Entry: 20200516
Why the World needs Micro Home Restaurants
Los Angeles County will not be opening restaurants until say least mid August. According to a James Beard Foundation survey 28% of independent restaurant owners don't believe they can survive another month of closure. There have also been reports that restaurants that have reopened dining rooms have had spikes in Corona virus cases. Many new customers are taking delivery for the first time to their homes. Micro Home Restaurants can provide healthier choices on these deliveries to local people in their community. - Certified Executive Chef &ServSafe Instructor/Examination Proctor, Michael Garahan, Home Chef 47 years,
Blog Entry: 20200515
Hello who have ever eaten at a restaurant!
Celebrity Chef David Burke permanently closed 2 restaurants yesterday, while Riverside county CA permitted 5 new Micro Home Restaurants last month. As a chef I created a petition to get this on the ballot in more states. These chefs have been feeding us for years please help them to continue to do so.
Thank you Chef Mikey
Blog Entry: 20200513
New Restaurants Open During Coronavirus Epidemic!
Riverside County, CA. Department of Environmental Health issued permits (Virtually) to 3 Micro Home Kitchen Operations (MHKO’s) on March 31, and 2 on April 30, 2020 - bringing the total to 44 MHKOs in Operation.
The goal of California’s AB 626 is to "support healthy communities and economically empower talented home cooks to attain income self-sufficiency." The National Restaurant Association reported 11% of restaurants are not expected to re-open. Other forecasted numbers include the industry projecting job losses of between 5 and 7 million in the next three months.
California counties Solano and Lake, and Washington State (bill 6434) are seeing the potential of adopting MHKO’s and are considering adopting them. The news report below also states they spoke with LA County who would consider adopting MHKO’s.
Last month on a chef conference call, I personally spoke with Colorado Governor Jared Polis, who said “he would consider adopting MHKO’s.”The societal benefits to adopting this goes beyond just putting back to work unemployed chefs and cooks.
In Milan, Italy, inmates are now operating a live restaurant (InGalera) in a prison. There is a school in the prison where inmates can receive a hospitality diploma. Italy’s recidivism rate is 70 percent, but graduates from their program is only 17 percent! (Source -Siliva Polleri, Airbnb.magazine 9/2019).
The recidivism rate for California Prisons is 65 percent (Source-California Innocence Project 8/18/2019). Statistics show more of the released persons are committing more new crimes. Even one less person to commit another crime would have tremendous societal benefits. Who would be against that?
Would we rather have a chefs and cooks on unemployment and a released person committing a new crime, or have them contribute to society?
Author - A Chef's Guide To Starting A MEHKO
MEHKO Expert & Certified Executive Chef Michael J. Garahan
Blog Entry: 20200228
Event: World’s Longest Salad Bar-Guinness Book of World Records attempt!
In Conjunction with International Chefs Day “Preparing Children for a Healthy Life.”
Sponsor Organization: Chef Mikey ® © Chef Mikey Likes It! Healthier Choices ™ an-American Culinary Federation Educational Foundation Chef and Child Program.
World Record Attempt: Our application has been received by the Guinness World Records 2/24/2020. (Current record-688 ft. 1.56“) 5,000 pounds of produce. Our attempt 1,200 ft. plus.
When: Tuesday October 20, 2020 - Where: Lyon County Fairgrounds. Emporia, KS 66801 - Time: 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Registration for Food Trucks: $50.00 at $50.00 at
Details: Healthier choices chef advocate Michael Garahan, CEC created this event to revitalize Michelle Obama’s Chef Move to Schools program. In the last 4 years, Chef Garahan’s program has received 6 American Culinary Federation Healthy Eating Grants totaling $6,000.
Food Truck participants will partner with a school of their choice to create a (6-12 ft. salad bar.) The salad bar will be placed in front of the food trucks and adjoined by the tables, overlapping each other to create the World’s Longest Salad Bar. Salad Bar will comply with all local health standards.
Healthier Choice Soups may also be served and Healthier Choice Beverages. No sugary beverages allowed. Complete food guidelines available on The food trucks will then be open for business. Each truck agrees to pay all appropriate sales taxes.
Our goal is for the food trucks to bring with them a school bus full of students and parents with them to the event to participate in either a participant or patron.
We are offering prize monies including, $200 for the food truck who brings the most people on a school bus, and $200 to the food truck who travels the farthest, and three other $200 prizes.
Food Trucks location at the Fairgrounds will be on a first come basis.
For More Information Contact: Chef Michael Garahan, 304-601-9865
Blog Entry: 20191218
The Goal of AB 626
The goal of AB 626 is to "support healthy communities and economically empower talented home cooks to attain income self-sufficiency."
The benefits are enormous here. Let’s look at the recidivism rate for California Prisons, its - 65 percent (Source-California Innocence Project 8/18/2019). Statistics show more of the released persons are committing new crimes. Even one less person to commit another crime would have tremendous societal benefits. Who would be against that?
With MEHKO’S many released persons could now have a very realistic way of being a productive member of society. They could receive ServSafe instruction, and other culinary classes before being released.
In Italy, inmates are now operating a live dining room in a prison. The restaurant is in Galera, Milan. There is a school in the prison where inmates can receive a hospitality diploma.
Italy’s recidivism rate is 70 percent, but graduates from their program is only 17 percent!
Wow, MEHKO’s need to be in every state.
*Source: Airbnb.magazine 9/2019 - Author: Siliva Polleri
Blog Entry: 20191217
Home Kitchens In Singapore
Singapore now has 20 notable in-home restaurants, with a former accountant and a Chair Violinist as chefs! Annette Tan of FatFuku is hosting three dinners a week.
*Source: United Airlines In-Flight magazine, Author: Justin Goldman.
Let's Get on board California Counties and US States!
Sign the petition at! Thank you. Michael J. Garahan, CEC